Turtle Lake

    Overview   Turtle Lake and Loon Lake are joined by a small creek about 16 feet in width that passes under a one lane bridge nearing the end of Pinetree Road.   On one side of Pinetree you have Turtle Lake and on the other Loon.  The south side of Turtle lake is sparsely…

Loon Lake

      Overview Loon and Turtle Lakes are connected by a short 16′ wide canal.  A granite ridge separates these lakes.  The properties are located between 3 km and 8 km from Gravenhurst, depending on their location on the lake.  There are two main roads, one being Pinetree Road on the granite ridge between the lakes…

Nine Mile Lake

  Overview Nine Mile Lake is about 7.5 miles long (disappointing isn’t it!)  It is another finger lake gouged out of Granite by a glacier over a million years ago.  The shoreline is typical Muskoka Granite with very little sandy shoreline.  The water is reasonably clear for those who like snorkel.  Only a handful, about 30…