Information about Lakes in Muskoka and the Muskoka Area.
Overview Lake Muskoka is one of the most well known lake in Ontario. The inter-connected sisters of Lake Muskoka, Lake Joseph and Lake Rosseau are known throughout the world as being one of the most prestigious places to have a cottage and National Geographic in 2013 and 2014 recognized Muskoka as the best place in…
Gravenhurst offers a vibrant community rich in Arts, Culture and Heritage and is home to the best events, recreational facilities and outdoor activities in Muskoka. Gravenhurst offers visitors a wide range of accommodations, restaurants and attractions. Drive to Gravenhurst from Toronto in only 90 minutes. Fly from anywhere, and land at the newly renovated and…
Overview Turtle Lake and Loon Lake are joined by a small creek about 16 feet in width that passes under a one lane bridge nearing the end of Pinetree Road. On one side of Pinetree you have Turtle Lake and on the other Loon. The south side of Turtle lake is sparsely…
Looking East on Doe Lake Quiet Lake Good Skiing Lake- Seldom Rough Only Five Minutes to Town Some Permanent Homes Overview Once called Doeskin Lake, it is a small quiet lake with about 30 cottages and/or homes. The lake is about 10 feet deep with a sandy shoreline on the south and west sides. Water comes into…
Overview This is a quiet pristine lake with clear water as the name suggests. There are about forty cottages and a significant portion of the shoreline is not developed. Clearwater Lake generally is 25-30 feet in depth, however, one area is over 100 feet in depth, ideal for the presence of Lake Trout, introduced in…
Overview There are three ‘rivers’ into or out of Kahshe Lake. One flows from Bass Lake to Kahshe Lake. The other two flow out of Kahshe Lake into Sparrow Lake. The river at the end of Grant’s Bay is the smallest during the summer months because it is fed only by a small spillway…
Overview Gullwing Lake can be found near Torrance by following Hwy #169 to Southwood Road and turning immediately left on the Clear Lake Road, which follows the north shore of Clear lake to Gullwing Lake. Gullwing Lake is another quiet lake with boating thru a small channel into Echo Lake for more fishing areas. …
Overview Kahshe Lake is the one of Muskoka’s largest lakes. Located 90 miles from Toronto and 6 miles south of Gravenhurst it is easily accessible by year round paved roads from Hwy #11 or the Coopers Falls Road…
Overview Buck Lake is accessed from District Road #6 east of Gravenhurst. It is about 6 miles to the Buck Lake road from Town. Access roads from the Housey Rapids Road or District Road #6 are either Ruttans Road W. Fire Route 25 or the CGIT Camp Road. The lake is reported to have some fresh…
Overview The Black River runs from the marshes and ponds near Dorset to Lake Couchiching. Canoeing can take you from Dorset to Washago. A canoe trip from Hwy #118 east of Bracebridge is a little shorter and just as enjoyable. There are about 7 portages. The Black River is highlighted by two beautiful falls…